Thursday, September 07, 2006

What's the point?

Puh! First day of my weightwatching I happened to be home ill, which was a really good thing. Less energyloss when lying in bed, and more time for cooking healthy food at home. Went really good: I circulated the day on only 17,5 points. Today is a lot worse: a though working day and, it is only a bit to seven in the evening, I have already used 25,5 points and there is only 4,5 left, and already I am starting to feel hungry after dinner. I am trying to remeber if there is any of my old tricks that could apply, but I only remeber apples and carrots.... Iack! Was it really this tuff the last time? I could really imagine going down to 7/11 for some crisps or a bag of peantut-rings! Or baugette at 7 knop, or a quesadilla at Kompott, or.... well, you get the idea, don't you?

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